1. Installation

1.1. Installing EasyData

easydata library runs on Python 3.8 and above.

If you’re already familiar with installation of Python packages, you can install easydata and its dependencies from PyPI with:

pip install easydata

1.2. Things that are good to know

easydata is written in pure Python and depends on a few key Python packages (among others):

  • dateparser, python parser for human readable dates

  • easytxt, text manipulation and normalization library

  • furl, URL parsing and manipulation made easy

  • ftfy, Fixes mojibake and other glitches in Unicode text, after the fact

  • jmespath, JMESPath is a query language for JSON

  • price-parser, extract price amount and currency symbol from a raw text string

  • pyquery, a jquery-like library for python

  • xmltodict, python module that makes working with XML feel like you are working with JSON