4. Advanced

4.1. Guide Assumptions

This guide is designed for those that already went through the Getting started and Architecture sections.

4.2. Creating block models

Item block models are ItemModel objects but with a difference, which is to be used as a reusable extension that contains predefined item parsers and processors. It is easier to explain this functionality through examples, which begain below.

4.2.1. Basic block model

Let’s first create sample HTML text stored in a test_html variable.

test_html = """
            <h2 class="name">
                <div class="brand">EasyData</div>
                Test Product Item
            <div id="price">Was 99.9</div>
            <div id="sale-price">49.9</div>
            <div class="stock" available="Yes">In Stock</div>

Now let’s create model block class, which will be responsible for extracting price data from the HTML above.

import easydata as ed

class PricingBlockModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_processors = [
        ('discount', ItemDiscountProcessor())

As mentioned before, the model blocks above are meant to be used within ItemModel. Now let’s create ItemModel which will utilize the block_models property with PricingBlockModel as a value in a list.

import easydata as ed

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_name = ed.Text(

    item_brand = ed.Text(

    item_stock = ed.Has(

Now let’s parse HTML with ProductItemModel and print its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_html)


    'brand': 'EasyData',
    'discount': 50.05,
    'name': 'EasyData Test Product Item',
    'price': 99.9,
    'sale_price': 49.9,
    'stock': True

As we can see from the result, discount was made through a ItemDiscountProcessor, which was added in PricingBlockModel.

If needed, we can easily disable ItemDiscountProcessor within our ProductItemModel.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_processors = [
        ('discount', None)


We can also override item_price from the PricingBlockModel in our ProductItemModel.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_price = ed.PriceFloat(


4.2.2. Block models with custom parameters

We can also create reusable block models with __init__ parameter, which will modify or create parsers based on our input parameters. This is also preferred way how block models should be created and used in most cases.


import easydata as ed

class PricingCssBlockModel(ed.ItemModel):
    def __init__(self,
        calculate_discount = True

        self.item_price = ed.PriceFloat(

        self.item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(

        if calculate_discount:
                ('discount', ed.ItemDiscountProcessor())

Now let’s use PricingCssBlockModel in our ProductItemModel.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [


Now let’s parse HTML with ProductItemModel and print its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_html)


    'brand': 'EasyData',
    'discount': 50.05,
    'name': 'EasyData Test Product Item',
    'price': 99.9,
    'sale_price': 49.9,
    'stock': True

4.3. Model as item property

Item properties in a model can have an ItemModel object instead of a parser object. They can also have a object that will produce dictionary value.

In the example below we will reuse PricingCssBlockModel from the previous section.

import easydata as ed

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_name = ed.Text(

    item_brand = ed.Text(

    item_pricing = PricingCssBlockModel(

    item_stock = ed.Has(

Now let’s parse HTML with ProductItemModel and print its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_html)  # test_html from previous section


    'brand': 'EasyData',
    'name': 'EasyData Test Product Item',
    'pricing': {
        'discount': 50.05,
        'price': 99.9,
        'sale_price': 49.9,
    'stock': True

4.4. Advanced processor utilization

4.4.1. Named processors

We already are familiar with item and data processors from the Getting started section; therefore, now we will explain how to use named item and data processors from blocks or models that were dynamically added through a custom model initialization.

For starters let’s create block models without any named item processors.

class PricingBlockModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_processors = [

Now if we wanted to override ItemDiscountProcessor in our item model, that wouldn’t be possible. Lets see what happens if we added another ItemDiscountProcessor with custom parameters to our model.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_processors = [


In this case ItemDiscountProcessor from our ProductItemModel would be joined together with the same processor from the PricingBlockModel. For a better understanding, let’s just show a list of how item_processors acts behind the scenes.


As we see there are two ItemDiscountProcessor while we want only ItemDiscountProcessor from our model and ignore one from PricingBlockModel.

To solve this issue, named processors are the solution. Let’s recreate our PricingBlockModel, but this time we will add name to ItemDiscountProcessor.

class PricingBlockModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_processors = [
        ('discount', ed.ItemDiscountProcessor())

Now if we want to override the discount item processor from the PricingBlockModel in our model, we will just need to assign the name to our ItemDiscountProcessor as it is in PricingBlockModel.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_processors = [
        ('discount', ed.ItemDiscountProcessor(no_decimals=True))


Now only ItemDiscountProcessor from our model would get processed.

We can even remove ItemDiscountProcessor from from the PricingBlockModel by adding None to our named key in tuple as we can see in example below.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    block_models = [

    item_processors = [
        ('discount', None)


Now discount won’t be even calculated.

4.5. Protected items

Sometimes we don’t want values from item attributes to be outputted in a final result but we still need them because item processors or other item parsers rely on them. To solve this issue elegantly, we can just prefix our item properties with _item and item with that prefix will be deleted from final output. Lets demonstrate this in example below.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    _item_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    _item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(

    item_processors = [

Now let’s parse our ProductItemModel and print its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_html)  # test_html from previous section


    'discount': 50.05

As we can see in the result above, there is only 'discount' and it’s value is returned. Both of the 'price' and 'sale_price' item key/value pairs were deleted, but only after they were already processed by the item processors.

4.6. Item method

In some cases our item parsers just won’t parse value from data properly due to its complexity and in those cases we can make item methods instead of making a parser instance on the model property.

Let’s demonstrate first with an parser instance on a model property to get more clarity.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_brand = ed.Text(ed.jp('brand'))

Now in this example instead of defining Text parser on an item property, we will create item method which will produce the exact same end result.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    def item_brand(data: DataBag):
        return data['data']['brand']

4.7. Data processing

It’s encouraged that you create your own data processors to modify data, so that custom processors can be reused between other models, but there are some edge and specific cases which will occur hopefully not often and for that kind of situations we can override preprocess_data or process_data methods from the ItemModel class. Follow the tutorials below to get more info regarding these two methods.

In the example below we have badly structured json text with missing closing bracket and because of that, it cannot be converted to a dict type. With preprocess_data we can fix it before data is processed by data_processors and later on, when json is parsed into dictionary by DataJsonToDictProcessor, we will modify this dictionary in a process_data method so that the item parsers can use it.

test_json_text = '{"brand": "EasyData"'

Now lets create our model, which will process test_json_text and utilize preprocess_data method, which will fix bad json in order to be converted into dictionary by a processor. We will also utilize process_data which will create a new data source called brand_type.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_brand = ed.Text(ed.jp('brand'))

    item_brand_type = ed.Text(source='brand_type')

    data_processors = [

    def preprocess_data(self, data):
        data['data'] = data['data'] + '}'
        return data

    def process_data(self, data):
        if 'easydata' in data['data']['brand'].lower():
            data['brand_type'] = 'local'
            data['brand_type'] = 'other'

        return data

Now let’s parse our test_json_text with ProductItemModel and show its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_json_text)


    'brand': 'EasyData',
    'brand_type': 'local'

4.8. Item processing

In a similar way as data_processors, it’s encouraged that you create your own item processors to modify the item dictionary, so that custom processors can be reused between other models, but there are some edge and specific cases which will occur hopefully not often and for that kind of situations we can override preprocess_item or process_item methods from the ItemModel class.

Follow example below to get more info regarding these two methods.

test_dict = {
    'price': 999.9,
    'sale_price': 1

Now let’s create our model which will process our test_dict. With a preprocess_item, we will modify item dictionary before item_processors are fired so that we can prepare items in order to be used in item_processors. In the example below, we will fix wrong sale price, so that ItemDiscountProcessor can properly calculate discount and later on we will utilize the process_item method, where new dictionary item final_sale will be created with bool value, which is determined if the price is discounted or not.

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_price = ed.PriceFloat(ed.jp('price'))

    _item_sale_price = ed.PriceFloat(ed.jp('sale_price'))

    item_processors = [

    def preprocess_item(self, item):
        if item['sale_price'] <= 1:
            item['sale_price'] = 0

        return item

    def process_item(self, item):
        item['final_sale'] = bool(item['discount'])

        return item

Now let’s parse our test_dict with ProductItemModel and show its output.

>>> item_model = ProductItemModel()

>>> item_model.parse(test_dict)


    'discount': 0,
    'final_sale': False,
    'price': 999.9


Please note that sale_price is missing in final output because we declared in a model our sale price property as a protected and those get deleted at the end, but they are still accessible in ``preprocess_item``, ``item_processors`` and ``process_item``.

4.9. With items

ItemModel has an option to retrieve multiple items from a provided data source.

4.10. Item Validation

easydata does not come with validation solution since its main purpose is to transform data, but it’s easy to create your own solution via custom item processor which handles validation or to handle validation after model returns a dict item.

Some validation libraries that we recommend:

  • Schematics: validation library based on ORM-like models.

  • JSON Schema: validation library based on JSON schema.