6.7. Choice

6.7.1. Choice

class easydata.parsers.choice.Choice(choices: list, default_choice: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: easydata.parsers.choice.BaseLookups

Choice is a parser which will select predetermined value based on search key matches in a lookup string extracted by a parser.

Getting Started

Lets first create our choice parser.

import easydata as ed

choice_parser = ed.Choice(
    choices = [
        # specified search keys are not case sensitive
        ("accessory", ["phone case", "watch strap"]),
        ("phone", ["mobile", "phone"]),
        ("watch", "watch"),

        # regex pattern as a search key is also acceptable
        ("monitor", ["r\b22\b"]),

        # we can add multiple choices with same name and first one will be returned
        # whose search key will be matched
        ("accessory", ["charger"])
    # if default_choice is not specified, then None is returned instead.

Lets pass some sample data to our choice parser and see the results.

>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "EasyWatch"})
>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "22 inch monitor"})
>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "Notebook charger"})
>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "PHONE"})
>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "PHONE case"})
>>> choice_parser.parse({"title": "some new item"})

Has parser instead of a search key list

Lets use our Choice parser in a model and demonstrate how a specific choice can have it’s own lookup values with search keys through a Has parser. Has parser also provides different search parameters in order to create more accurate match.


Using Has parser as a dedicated lookup for a choice key, probably won’t be needed in most cases since it’s usage is for edge cases and for most situations, a simple list of search keys should suffice as seen in examples above.

import easydata as ed

class ProductItemModel(ed.ItemModel):
    item_name = ed.Text(ed.jp('name'))

    _item_category = ed.Text(ed.jp('category'))

    item_type = ed.Choice(
        lookup_items=['name', 'category'],
        choices = [
            ("accessory", ["phone case", "watch strap"]),
            ("watch", ed.Has(
                ed.jp('description'),  # this lookup will only be used for a watch choice

                # our search keys looking for a match are case sensitive
                ccontains=['TIMEXXX', 'EASYWATCH']

Multiple lookup parameters at the same time

We can also specify different types of lookup parameters at the same time as we can see bellow.

item_type = ed.Choice(
    choices = [
        ("accessory", ["phone case", "watch strap"]),
        ("watch", ed.Has(
            ccontains=['TIMEXXX', 'EASYWATCH']
        ("phone", ["mobile", "phone"]),
        ("monitor", [r'\b22\s?inch\b']),
        ("accessory", ["charger"])



We can specify one or multiple lookup parsers where search keys will look for a match.


choices is a required parameter and receives list of tuples, where first value in a tuple is a choice value and second value is a list of search keys which will be used under the hood for a match in a lookup string values that were returned through a specified lookup params.

Examples of choices parameter usage is already shown thoroughly in a Getting Started section.
